Net nieuw binnen:
Wide range of laser materials:
Expertly selected material for laser cutting
So you can get the best out of your laser.
Not all sheet material on the market is suitable for laser cutting. Our materials are.
We have been following laser material developments for the last 12 years and offer you the best of the market.
Discover discount packs
Small sheets, lots of variety
Useful mixes; wood, plastic and most commonly used materials
The best way to get to know materials
Colorful mix of smaller pieces of material
Delivered in a handy reusable crate
Always have materials at hand for your project
Ideal for workshops, makerspaces and anyone who experiments!
Smart mix of the most commonly used materials
Available in multiple sizes to fit your machine
Up to 20% savings
Tips & trics for your laser
New: PET felt
Nieuw materiaal: ABS graveerplaat
Where Can You Find Vector Drawings for Your Laser Cutter?
Top 10 Materials for Diode Lasers
Laser-Cutting Design: Personalise a Crate
Acetate Foil for Laser Cutting; What Can You Do with It?
Buy sheet material with peace of mind
LaserGrade materials
In sizes that fit your laser cutter
From 1 sheet
Fast delivery throughout the EU