
Lasersnijder kopen: alles wat je moet overwegen

Lasersnijder kopen: alles wat je moet overwegen

Overweeg je zelf een lasersnijder te kopen? Er zijn de afgelopen tijd veel machines op de markt gekomen, dit zijn de punten waar je op moet letten bij je aankoop.

De top 10 materialen voor lasersnijden - Lasersheets

The Top 10 Materials for Laser Cutting

Are you a designer or maker who regularly uses a laser cutter? Maybe you have...

Bamboe lamp lasersnijden: nieuw materiaal verkennen

Bamboo lamp laser cutting: exploring new material

We designed this lamp to explore the versatility of our latest material, bamboo plywood...

Nieuw: PET-vilt

New: PET felt

Made from recycled polyester (PET), this material is not only sustainable but also perfect for acoustic applications such as...
Nieuw materiaal: ABS graveerplaat

New material: ABS engraving plate

Do you ever engrave with your laser? Do you also find it difficult to make your engravings clearly visible? Then try our engraving plate. By the top layer...

Waar vind je vectortekeningen om te laseren?

Where Can You Find Vector Drawings for Your Laser Cutter?

Here you will find an overview of a number of websites where you can find (free) vector art. That's ideal if you need inspiration or if you...

Top 10 materialen voor diodelasers

Top 10 Materials for Diode Lasers

With these materials for the diode laser machine you can make beautiful objects, such as (small) furniture, jewelry, utensils and...

Ontwerp voor lasersnijden: krat personaliseren

Laser-Cutting Design: Personalise a Crate

Do you want to laser cut a personalized crate? Follow these simple steps and create your own laser cutting design.

Acetaatfolie voor lasersnijden, wat kun je ermee?

Acetate Foil for Laser Cutting; What Can You Do with It?

A new material in the range: acetate film. A thin, transparent and strong foil. Acetate foil is widely used in electronics as an insulation layer. But also in product design and as a paint stencil.

Help, mijn berkenhout trekt krom!

Please Stop My Birch Plywood from Warping!

Birch plywood is ideal for laser cutting. Unfortunately, it can warp, we explain what you can do to prevent this. And what you can do to solve this problem.
Tutorial: Logo aan de muur

Tutorial: Hang Your Logo on the Wall

Laser cutting is an ideal way to cut out your logo, but how do you hang a logo on the wall?
Maak je eigen broche met een lasersnijder!

Make your own brooch with a laser cutter!

Designing your own brooch is not only great fun, it is also easily realised if you have access to a laser cutter. But what exactly do you need to get started?
Hoe vind je de perfecte instelling voor je laser?

How to find the perfect settings for your laser

All our materials can be cut with a laser, but not every laser source is able to cut our materials. There is a difference between a diode- and a CO2-laser and...
Tutorial: Je eigen stempel maken met een lasersnijder

Tutorial: make your own stamp with a laser cutter

You can easily make your own stamps with a laser cutter and a piece of stamping rubber. What do you want to stamp? From logos to...
Xtool S1 20W, wat vinden we er van?

Xtool S1 20W: what do we think?

Are you looking for the ultimate diode laser experience? Do you want to know whether the Xtool S1 20W is the perfect match for your projects? As laser-cutting experts, we accepted the challenge and...
Jiskar's ontwerp: een akoestischpaneel uit restmateriaal

Jiskar's design: an acoustic panel from leftover material

We are regularly left with strips of foam of approximately 120cm x 20cm. These are leftover strips, because the industrial dimensions in which...