Laser materials for schools and makers' spaces
Laser cutting, just like 3D printing and milling, makes many students, makers and teachers enthusiastic. The detail you can make and the multitude of materials you can use inspire and motivate.
But laser cutting can also be frustrating. A laser cutter is not as fool-proof as an office printer. And the sheet materials that you encounter in the hardware store or that users come up with themselves do not always appear to be easy to laser cut. Sometimes that means a lot of smoke, bad smells and black edges, and sometimes the disappointment of failed cutting sessions. It is also important to keep an eye on safety; many plastics contain toxic substances that are harmful to people and machines.
In short; using the right materials is very important. We have 12 years of experience with laser cutting of wood and plastic and are here to help you.
With a wide range of materials that are guaranteed to be good and safe to laser, you buy security and convenience. This way you can be sure that you maintain the enthusiasm of all laser masters (to be) and let them get the most out of the technology!
Lasersheet materials are guaranteed to be easy to laser cut
Sustainable choices available
Customized for most lasers so you can get started right away.
Order for business in our webshop
Volume discount for larger purchases
Payment on account possible
A crate full of different materials for experiments and play
Stackable crates
Refills available
Build the perfect stock with a workshop pack

Build the perfect stock with a workshop pack
Smart mixes of the most sought-after materials
Available on 1200x600mm or 600x400mm
Up to 20% cheaper than purchasing separately
Our workshop packages:
With a business account, you can order makerspace or other educational institution online in our webshop
After approval you can order on account. We ensure that the invoice ends up in the right place in your organization.
Questions or special wishes?
Lasersheets is happy to help you make your purchasing of laser cutting materials better, more fun and easier. Leave a message and one of our material experts will contact you.